Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Gym Antics

My life is less than exciting, I will have to admit.  My most entertain part of the day lately has been the gym.

Now, don't get me wrong, I do not have a gym mom body.  I have a desk job body and I'm hoping to keep it from getting worse.  I sit on my arse all day tip-tapping on my computer listening to the world's misery.  It's a cheery place to be, so I guess the gym is far more entertaining by comparison.

Anywho.  Here are some things that amuse me in an annoying fashion. 

First of all is the male ideology that the weights section of the gym is man-town.  There is a forty something chauvinist out there in Webster, Massachusetts, who was recently shown I could do whatever he could do on those damned weights, so any who harbor this mentality can shove it.  Mind you, I had difficulty walking for a few days after my little show, but it was worth it.  Totally.

Also, and this is to my traitorous female coparts - what the hell, guys?  Why aren't you in the weight section?  You know as well as I do that we are not going to tone up by running on the elliptical or treadmill alone.  Stop letting the weight section and male wannabe body builders intimidate you.  Pump it!

Okay, and while I'm on it, what's with locker room modesty?  Does anyone else out there think that's weird?  I went to high school, and personally recall hordes of girls changing clothes in front of each other without one thought about it.  Since when did we become so modest?  Is it homophobia?  Is there a freakish new phobia about potential lesbians?  I gotta tell you, we all have the same packages, just different wrappings, so I don't get the big deal with all this locker room modesty.  I am not going to cramp myself in a bathroom stall to change my pants and my top and my shoes.  It's just not happening.  You don't like my flab, turn around.  I'm a mom, I have no modesty.  I've had students and strangers parade at the foot of a hospital bed staring at my cervix while writhing in pain.  You think I care if my bra color makes you uncomfortable?  Man up, ladies.

So here's what society says we should do at a gym:

Yeah, we've turned the gym into a night club, with hoodies.
Also, was anyone else fixated on the girl with the gray hoodie?  Ummm... Duct tape, I'm thinking.  I hear it fixes everything.  That needs some serious help.  Or at least some more support.  And this is why we don't post such videos, because these are the thoughts people like me have.

That being said, here's what I'd like to see at my gym:

Just an idea.  I mean, seriously, we could use some punching bags, don't you think?  ;)

You know you love me.

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