Saturday, April 17, 2010

If I were President.

I hear this a lot, "Well, it's easy to criticize the office of the President, but I doubt you even know what you'd do differently." So, that got me thinking, uh, yeah I have tons of practical ideas. Now, I know that the system is more complicated than that. We don't live in a tyrannical realm where one person makes these decisions. However, the office of the President is a powerful position that has been used irresponsibly in recent years, landing and keeping us in a dreadful recession.
So what would I do differently?
Honestly, I'd create a flat tax. You'd have to be reasonable about it. For instance you couldn't implement the tax on any individual making less than $28,000 a year as an individual or $56,000 as a married couple. And it should be a small percentage as well, since it won't wipe out state taxes, medicare or social security taxes. I'm thinking if we charged a 5% tax on EVERYONE making over the aforementioned amounts, we'd kick ass. We'd have to do away with loopholes for everyone, which would suck, but there's no point in a flat tax if there's a way to get around it. On top of that, the social security tax is not taxed on all amounts over $106,800 so those amount over 106,800 will be charged an extra 2%. That's what I think, but that's just me.
I also decided that churches today are righteous examples of tax evasion. Not all of them, just lots of them. Consider that tithes paid to a church are considered charitable donations. I personally feel like churches should have to prove their charitable works in order to maintain tax free/exempt or lower tax status. I don't feel like we should impose a tax on churches, but I feel if they're existing as a charitable entity and are enjoying benefits of this representation there should be an audit of sorts to maintain these churches are not abusing the system.
I actually have no desire to BE President, which is awesome since there has never been a female President and I doubt I'll see that in my lifetime. Just because I don't want the awesome responsibility of the office doesn't mean I don't have some constructive criticism for that which is in power at the time of this blog.

Here's a few hints for those in power right now:
Pelosi: You're a witch and a wretched representation of your race. You suck. Ass. Seriously, nobody likes your overcompensating power hungry push for power. Reign it in and be responsible.
Reid: Grow a pair.
Obama: You're a bully and you're using bully tactics to get your way since you can't get a majority support. Don't think having your Dem friends will help you if they lose majority in the Fall. You're too late, though. You've not done enough to preserve Americans or their livelihood and you haven't even tried to be partisan - the very foundation of our success. You, also, Suck.

I have a couple other thoughts. Unemployment benefits should not be extended past six months. I have spoken to many unemployed and I have to say a few things on the matter. Unemployment officers do not do enough to help those on unemployment seek new employment. I know people who don't know how to successfully apply to job postings online, yet the vast majority of companies hire via emailed resumes or online applications. I know of many others who know the system and choose not to seek employment actively. Also, instead of discouraging applicants from attending college to better their chances of hire, direct them toward online universities. These do exist and should be a tool offered by Unemployment offices.

I have a few more ideas, but I'm being called away right now. These are my thoughts and thankfully I live in a free country where I can share them.

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